Your list of things to do while at home doing your part to stop the spread of COVID-19.


In this time of uncertainty where I am worrying about my loved ones - as I imagine you are - I hope and believe we can get through this together and I am reminded of our core values and ethics. Its at times like these that we remember the importance of our relationships and our communities, and we use our time both wisely and lovingly. Together with my team, we have developed and culled a list of ideas and activities you might consider while you are at home, doing your part to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Self-quarantine or self-isolation wasn't on your bucket list. But here are activities you might consider at home this week as a break to remote work.

  1. Phone a friend, and check in on family regularly. Call, text, FaceTime, or video conference someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, and check in with your family, the elderly and those out of country. Think of this as a great opportunity to reconnect and make sure everyone is coping well. Offer to help arrange deliveries, groceries or access to medication if its needed.

  2. Get creative with your at-home work out. Cycle, run on the treadmill, do some band or dumbbell exercises if you have equipment at home. If not, follow a fitness app for inspiration on a body weight circuit, or do some yoga. If you are craving fresh air, and the weather is cooperating outside, its a good time for the a run or long bike ride. This is also a great one to get the whole family out of the house.

  3. Read those books that you’ve intended to but just didn’t have time. There’s enough time now.

  4. Find some new TV shows now that all sports are suspended until further notice. Catch up on three, four, or more great shows that your friends have highly recommended. Netflix and Amazon Prime both have great content.

  5. Go out in nature. Walk around outside in the sun at a healthy distance from other humans. If you have a dog, you are likely doing this daily, if not - time to get started. In Toronto, the Beltline Trail is my favourite. Exercise and naturally forming Vitamin D? Yes please.

  6. Get creative with cooking or baking. Take out some of cookbooks that have been sitting idle in your cupboard, or follow along with your favourite chef on YouTube. Involve the family if they are home with you. If not, take the time to learn how to make pizza, fresh pasta or maybe sushi?

  7. Plan a virtual party with friends or family. Both Passover and Easter are not far away, and family and friends around the world are being encouraged to stay indoors and at home, away from those not living under their roof. Video conferencing is not just a business tool, and growing in popularity, families and friends are meeting virtually these past weeks. Set up a video meeting for your family or friends, whether its a Friday night dinner party, or Passover. Get creative and plan the opportunity to share a meal, or drinks together.

  8. Get organized. Is your garage a mess? What about the basement? Now is the time to tackle those home projects you have been putting off and haven’t had the time for. The feeling of accomplishment as you put things in order is a great feeling.

  9. Help support local small businesses by ordering delivery or takeout from your local shops. Service industries are being hard hit by closures, having to lay off staff for the immediate future as they struggle to pay rents, and bring in income. Support your local restaurants, bars and neighbours by calling in an order for delivery or pickup, or better yet, ordering some meals for loved ones, or your local front line workers. Buy gift cards for later and support business owners, a lot of companies continue to remain open online, or have adapted their offerings to generate income.

  10. Lend a hand. Spread positivity & hope. Watching the news 24/7 and reading too much information can be overwhelming, and cause more anxiety than inform. Count your blessings, be grateful for all that you do have, and what you can control day to day. We are in this together, and collectively, being smart, staying home, eating healthy, taking care of ourselves, and limiting exposure to sick people is the key to helping each other right now. I am following some great leaders online who are doing a great job of turning the narrative to positive thinking, mindfulness and calming techniques like Deepak Chopra, Brene Brown and Lindsay Sukornyk. I suggest you check them out, as they are hosting Facebook Live sessions, podcasts and video content daily.

Wishing all of you strength, support and safety through these unprecedented times.

- Stan

The Creative Collective